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Architecture Of Africa

Early architecture

Probably the most famous class of structures in all Africa, the pyramids of Egypt remain one of the world's greatest early architectural achievements, if limited in practical scope and originating from a purely funerary context. Egyptian architectural traditions also saw the rise of vast temple complexes and buildings.

Little is known of ancient architecture south and west of the Sahara. Harder to date are the monoliths around the Cross River, which has geometric or human designs. The vast number of Senegambian stone circles also evidence an emerging architecture.


Main article: Egyptian architecture

Egypt's achievements in architecture were varied from temples, enclosed cities, canals, and dams.


Main article: Nubian architecture

The city of Kerma

Nubian Architecture is one of the most ancient in the world. The earliest style of Nubian Architecture include the speos, structures carved out of solid rock, an A-Group(3700-3250 B.C.E.) achievement. Egyptians made extensive use of the process at Speos Artemidos and Abu Simbel. A-Group eventually led to C-Group. C-Group began with lite supple materials, animal skins, and wattle and daub. Later larger more structures of mudbricks became the norm. C-Group culture was related to Kerma. Kerma was settled around 2400 B.C. It was a walled city containing religious building, large circular dwelling, a palace, and well laid out roads. On the East side of the city, funnery temple and chapel were laid out. It supported a population of 2,000. One of its most endearing structure was the Deffufa, a mudbrick temple ceremonies were performed on top. Between 1500-1085 B.C., Egyptian conquest and domination of Nubia was achieved.

Nubian pyramids at Meroe

This conquest brought about the Napatan Phase of Nubian history, the birth of the Kingdom of Kush. Kush was immensely influenced by Egypt and eventually conquered Egypt. During this phase, we see the building of numerous pyramids and temples. Gebel Barkal in the town of Napata was a very significant site. Kushite pharaohs received legitimacy. Thirteen temples have been excavated and two palaces in Napata. Napata has yet to be fully excavated. Nubian pyramids were constructed on three major sites El Kurru, Nuri, and Meroe. Sudan has more pyramids than Egypt. Sudan contains 223 pyramids. They were smaller than Egyptian Pyramids. Nubian pyramids were for Kings and Queens. The general construction of Nubian pyramids consisted of steep walls, a chapel facing East, stairway facing East, and a chamber access via the stairway. The Meroe site has the most Nubian pyramids and is considered the largest archaeolological site in the world. Around AD 350 the area was invaded by the Ethiopian kingdom of Aksum and the kingdom collapsed.


Main article: Aksumite architecture

The ruin of the temple at Yeha, Tigray region, Ethiopia.

The best known building of the period in the region is the ruined or eight century BC multi-story tower at Yeha in Ethiopia, believed to have been the capital of D'mt. Ashlar masonry was especially dominant during this period, owing to South Arabian influence where the style was extremely common for monumental structures.

Aksumite Architecture flourished in the region from the 4th century BC onward, persisting even after the transition of the Aksumite dynasty to the Zagwe in the 12th century, as attested by the numerous Aksumite influences in and around the medieval churches of Lalibela. Stelae (hawilts) and later entire churches were carved out of single blocks of rock, emulated later at Lalibela and throughout Tigray. Other monumental structures include massive underground tombs often located beneath stelae. The stelae is the single largest monolithic structure ever erected (or attempted to be erected). Other well-known structures employing the use of monoliths include tombs such as the "Tomb of the False Door" and the tombs of Kaleb and Gebre Mesqel in Axum.

Most structures, however, like palaces, villas, commoner's houses, and other churches and monasteries, were built of alternating layers of stone and wood. The protruding wooden support beams in these structures have been named "monkey heads" and are a staple of Aksumite architecture and a mark of Aksumite influence in later structures. Some examples of this style had whitewashed exteriors and/or interiors, such as the medieval 12th century monastery of Yemrehanna Krestos near Lalibela, built during the Zagwe dynasty in Aksumite style. Contemporary houses were one-room stone structures or two-storey square houses or roundhouses of sandstone with basalt foundations. Villas were generally two to four stories tall and built on sprawling rectangular plans (cf. Dungur ruins). A good example of still-standing Aksumite architecture is the monastery of Debre Damo from the 6th century.

Maghreban Architecture

Thousands of tombs were left by Berbers that were pre-Christian in origin and whose architecture was unique to north-west Africa. The most famous was Tomb of the Christian Woman in Western Algeria. This structure contains column domed and spiraling pathways that lead to a single chamber.


Nok artifacts have been dated as far back as 790 B.C.E , located at the Jos Plateau in Nigeria, between the Niger and Benue river. From the excavation of Nok settlement in Samun Dikiya, there was the tendency to build on peaks. Nok settlements have not been extensively excavated.

Tichitt Walata (Ancient Ghana)

Tichitt Walata is the oldest surviving archaeological settlements in West Africa and the oldest all stone base settlement south of the Sahara. It was built by the Soninke people and is thought to be the precursor of the Ghana empire. It was being settled around 2000 B.C. One finds well laid out streets and fortified compounds all made out of skilled stone masonry. In all, there were 500 settlements.

Medieval Architecture

North Africa

Architecture in Fes, Morocco

The Islamic conquest of North Africa saw Islamic architecture develop in the region, including such famous structures as the Cairo Citadel.

Around 1000 A.D., cob (tabya) first appears in the Maghreb and al-Andalus.

West Africa

The Great Mosque of Djenn in Mali, first built in the 13th century and reconstructed in 19061909, is the largest clay building in the world.

Islamic merchants played a vital role in the Western Sahel region since the Kingdom of Ghana.

Kanem-Bornu's capital city Birni N'Gazargamu, may have had a population of 200,000. It had four mosque which could hold up to 12,000 worshippers. It was surrounded by a 25 foot wall and more than 1 mile in circumference. Many large streets extended from the esplanade and connected to 660 roads. The main building and structure were built with red brick. Other buildings were built with straw and adobe.

Six important Hausa city states existed Kano, Katsina, Daura, Gobir, Zazzau, and Biram. Kano was the most important. The city was surrounded by a wall of reinforced ramparts of stone and bricks. Kano contained a citadel near which the royal class resided. Individual residence was separated by "earthen" wall. The higher the status of the resident the more elaborate the wall. The entranceway was mazelike to seclude women. Inside near the entrance were the abode of unmarried women. Further down were slave quarters.

The city of Kano

At Kumbi Saleh, locals lived in domed-shaped dwellings in the king's section of the city, surrounded by a great enclosure. Traders lived in stone houses in a section which possessed 12 beautiful mosques (as described by al-bakri), one centered on Friday prayer.


The king is said to have owned several mansions, one of which was sixty-six feet long, forty-two feet wide, contained seven rooms, was two stories high, and had a staircase; with the walls and chambers filled with sculpture and painting. Sahelian architecture initially grew from the two cities of Djenn and Timbuktu. The Sankore Mosque in Timbuktu, constructed from mud on timber, was similar in style to the Great Mosque of Djenn. The rise of kingdoms in the West African coastal region produced architecture which drew on indigenous traditions, utilizing wood. The famed Benin City, destroyed by the Punitive Expedition, was a large complex of homes in coursed mud, with hipped roofs of shingles or palm leaves. The Palace had a sequence of ceremonial rooms, and was decorated with brass plaques. The Guinness Book of World Records describes the Walls of Benin City as the world's second largest man-made structure after China's Great Wall, in terms of length, and the series of earthen ramparts as the most extensive earthwork in the world, which was semi-destroyed by the British in 1897.

Drawing of Benin City made by an English officer, 1897

Ashanti architecture is perhaps best known from the reconstruction at Kumasi. Its key features are courtyard-based buildings, and walls with striking reliefs in mud plaster brightly painted. An example of a shrine can be seen at Bawjwiasi in Ghana. Four rectangular rooms, constructed from wattle and daub, lie around a courtyard. Animal designs mark the walls, and palm leaves cut to tiered shape provide the roof. The Yoruba surrounded their settlements with massive mud walls. Their buildings had a similar plan to the Ashanti shrines, but with verandahs around the court. The walls were of puddled mud and palm oil. The most famous of Yoruba fortifications and the largest wall edifice in Africa is Sungbo's Eredo. It is made up of sprawling mud walls and the valleys that surrounded the town of Ijebu-Ode in Ogun state. Sungbo's Eredo is the largest pre-colonial monument in Africa, larger than the Great Pyramid or Great Zimbabwe.

East Africa

In western Uganda one finds numerous earthworks near the Katonga River. These earthworks have been affiliated with the Empire of Kitara. The most famous Bigo Bya Mugenyi is about four square miles with the Katonga River on one side. The earthwork ditch was dug out by lifting cutting through solid bedrock and earth, about 200,000 cubic meters. It was about 12 feet high. It is not certain whether the function was for defense or pastoral use. Very little is known about the Ugandan earthworks.

The capital (kibuga) of Buganda constantly changed from hill to hill, with each change of Kabaka. In the late 19th century, a permanent Kibuga of Buganda was established at Mengo Hill. The capital was divided into quarters corresponding to provinces. Each chief built a dwelling corresponding to provinces. Each chief built a dwelling for wife, slaves, dependents, and visitors. The city was a mile and half wide. Large plots of land were available for planting bananas and fruits. Roads were wide and well maintained.

Engaruka is a ruined settlement on the slopes of Mount Ngorongoro in northern Tanzania. Seven stone terraced villages along the mountainside comprised the settlement. A complex structure of stone channel irrigation was used to dike, dam, and level surrounding river waters. The stone channels run along the mountainside and base. Some of these channels were several kilometers long channelling and feeding individual plots of land. The irrigation channels fed a total area of 5000 acres.

Nubia (Christian and Islamic)

The Christianization of Nubia began in the 6 century A.D. Its most representative architecture are churches. They are based on Byzantium Basilica's. The structures are relatively small and made of mud bricks. Vernacular architecture of the Christian period is scarce. Architecture of Soba is the only one that has been excavated. The structures are of sun dried bricks, same as present day Sudan, except for an arch. During the Fatimide phase of Islam, about the eleventh century Nubia converted to islam and became arabized. Its most import mosque was the mosque of Derr.

Swahili States

Farther south, increased trade (namely with Arab merchants) and the development of ports saw the birth of Swahili architecture. Developed from an outgrowth of indigenous Bantu settlements, one of the earliest examples is the Palace of Husuni Kubwa lying west of Kilwa, built about 1245. As with many other early Swahili buildings, coral was the main construction material, and even the roof was constructed by attaching coral to timbers. Contrastingly, the palace at Kilwa was a two-story tower, in a walled enclosure. Other notable structures from the period include the pillar tombs as Malindi and Mnarani in Kenya, and elsewhere, originally built from coral but later from stone. Later examples include Zanzibar's Stone Town, with its famous carved doors, and the Great Mosque of Kilwa.


Bete Medhane Alem, Lalibela, the largest monolithic church in the world.

Throughout the medieval period, Aksumite architecture and influences and its monolithic tradition persisted, with its influence strongest in the early medieval (Late Aksumite) and Zagwe periods (when the churches of Lalibela were carved). Throughout the medieval period, and especially during the 10th-12th centuries, churches were hewn out of rock throughout Ethiopia, especially during the northernmost region of Tigray, which was the heart of the Aksumite Empire. However, rock-hewn churches have been found as far south as Adadi Maryam (15th c.), about 100 km south of Addis Abeba. The most famous example of Ethiopian rock-hewn architecture are the 11 monolithic churches of Lalibela, carved out of the red volcanic tuff found around the town. Though later medieval hagiographies attribute all 11 structures to the eponymous king Lalibela (the town was called Roha and Adefa before his reign), new evidence indicates that they may have been built separately over a period of a few centuries, with only a few of the more recent churches having been built under his reign. Archaeologist and Ethiopisant David Phillipson postulates, for instance, that Bete Gebriel-Rufa'el was actually built in the very early medieval period, some time between 600 and 800 A.D., originally as a fortress but was later turned into a church.

Central Africa

The capital of the Kingdom of Kongo

Mbanza Congo was the capital of the Kingdom of Kongo with a population of 30,000 plus. It sat on a cliff with river below and forested valley. The King's dwelling was describe as a mile and half enclosure with walled pathways, courtyard, gardens, decorated huts, and palisades. One early explorer described it in terms of a Cretan labyrinth.

The capital of the Kuba Kingdom was surrounded by a 40 inch high fence. Inside the fence were roads, a walled royal palace, urban buildings. The palace was rectangular and in the center of the city.

The Luba tended to cluster in small villages, with rectangular houses facing a single street. Kilolo, patrilineal chieftains, headed local village government, under the protection of the king. Cultural life centered around the kitenta, the royal compound, which later came to be a permanent capital. The kitenta drew artists, poets, musicians and craftsmen, spurred by royal and court patronage

The Lunda Empire (western) established its capital 100 kilometers from Kassai in open woodland, between two rivers 15 kilometers apart. It was surrounded by fortified earthen ramparts. and dry moats about 30 plus kilometers. The Mwato Yamvo's compound musumba was surrounded with large fortification of double layered live trees or wood ramparts. The musumba had multiple courtyards with designated functions, straight roads, and public squares. Its immense hygenic and cleanly value has been noted by European observers.

Lunda dwellings displaying the Square and the Cone On Ground type of African Vernacular Architecture

The Eastern Lunda dwelling of the Kacembe(king) was describe as containing fenced roads, a mile long. The enclosed walls were made of grass, 12 to 13 span in height. The enclosed roads lead to a rectangular hut openned on the west side. In the center was a wooden base with a statue on top about 3 span.

Burundi never had a fix capital. The closest thing was a royal hill, when the king moved, the location became the capital called the insago. The compound itself was enclosed inside a high fence. The compount had two entrance. One was for herders and herds. The other was to the royal palace. This palace was surrounded by a fence. The royal palace had three royal courtyard. Each serve a particular function one for herders, a sanctuary, kitchen and granary.

Nyanza was a royal capital of Rwanda. The king's residence the Ibwami was built on a hill. The surrounding hills were occupied by permanent or temporary dwellings. These dwellings were round huts surrounded by big yards and high hedge to separate compounds. The Rugo the royal compound was made of circular reed fence around thatched houses. The houses were carpeted with mats and had a clay hearth in the center for the king, his wife, and entourage. The royal house was close to 200-100 yards. It looked like a huge maze of connected huts and granaries. It had one entrance that lead to a large public square called the karubanda.

The Marave people built bridges called Uraro due to changing river depth. These bridges were made out of bamboo. Bamboos were placed parallel to each other and tied together by bark(maruze). One end of the bridge would be tied to an existing tree. The bridge would curve downward 80 spans when entering. A bamboo on top would serve as a balustrade.

Southern Africa

In Southern Africa one finds ancient and widespread traditions of building in stone. Two broad categories of these tradition have been noted: 1. Zimbabwean style 2. Transvaal Free State style. North of the Zambezi one finds very little stone ruins.

Mapungubwe is considered the most socially complex society in southern Africa. The first southern African culture to display economic differentiation. The elite was separated on a mountain settlement, made of sandstone. It was the precursor to Great Zimbabwe. Large tracks of dirt was carried to the top of the hill. At the bottom of the hill was a natural amphipheater and at the top elite graveyard. There was only two pathway to the top, one was a narrow steep cleft along the side of the hill which observers at the top had a clear view.

The conical tower inside the Great Enclosure in Great Zimbabwe, a medieval city built by a prosperous culture

Great Zimbabwe is the largest medieval city in sub-Saharan Africa. Great Zimbabwe was constructed and expanded for more than 300 years in a local style that eschewed rectilinearity for flowing curves. Neither the first nor the last of some 300 similar complexes located on the Zimbabwean plateau, Great Zimbabwe is set apart by the terrific scale of its structure. Its most formidable edifice, commonly refer
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Home Design Software Reviews | Home Design Software

he band is wider and thicker in the case of the engagement ring for the to-be groom and thinner and more delicate for the bride-to-be. The engagement ring designs could be contemporary or antique. The designs and material depend on the budget of the couple and personal preference. The engagement rings are designed in gold or silver or platinum, in the case of an elaborate budget. The antique style engagement rings are very popular for their exquisite designs and intricate metal work. The most popular antique style engagement ring is the inter-woven ring. The pattern is unique and very elegant to behold.Antique style engagement rings for the to-be groom:
In the case of men, the antique style engagement rings do not really have much variety to offer. However, you can be innovative and work on an existent design. You could consider setting a birth stone or one with your favorite color or even embossing an initial or complete name.
The antique style engagement rings for men include the symbolic Celtic knots and patterns. The inter-woven strands of metal, the believed symbolism behind the design and the overall appeal add to the enigma that these rings flaunt. The circle of life, the law of cause and effect and eternal love are just some of the symbols in the antique style Celtic engagement rings that you could consider.
Antique style engagement rings for the bride-to-be:There are a number of antique style engagement rings available for the bride to be; the puzzle ring, the name ring and the inter-woven ring are just a few to name. Antique style engagement rings for the bride-to-be can be personalized by giving an existent preference a make over. The metal could be gold or silver or platinum in this case too. Keeping in mind the household chores that a woman deals with daily, the antique style engagement rings for the bride-to-be are very versatile and easily removable. The puzzle ring is a set of inter-woven rings that do not come apart, but simply slide over one another and remain linked forever.Antique style engagement ring resources: There are a number of dedicated jewelers that operate both online and offline and are accessible 24x7. They understand the budget and design the antique style engagement rings for the bride and groom-to-be accordingly. These resources have professional craftsmen who come up with some fantastic add-ons and embellishments to existing patterns, and ensure that even if the couple is confused in the choice between a contemporary, modern design and an antique style engagement ring, they create a great combination of features! It's your engagement ring, who says you can't be innovative and experimental! Antique style engagement ring features:
It is very easy to recognize an antique style engagement ring. The common features include the dull look, the neat finish, the intricate strand work and the overall craftsmanship – well rounded edges and all! The antique style collection of engagement rings for the bride and groom-to-be come from various cultures across the world and quite a few are responsible for the resurgence of interest in the forgotten art. The ring patterns replicated today are copies of the unearthed artifacts and prized museum exhibits. The market for antique style engagement rings is enjoying an upscale with many couples tracing real value for the investment within these designs; Victorian and Celtic.The antique style engagement rings for the bride and groom-to-be, interestingly, from different cultures, symbolize an eternal bond; the band being a sign of the circle of life. In some ancient cultures the engagement ring stood for the promise of fidelity and in case of the contrary, the bride-to-be or the groom-to-be had to slide the ring off before and after an act of infidelity! Wow, food for thought! For some people, buying a wedding ring insurance or engagement ring insurance may not seem to be a good idea. It could be due to the emotions attached with this piece of jewelry. However, one shouldn't forget that just like any other commodity, you need to protect your engagement ring too. Let us understand the various aspects of engagement ring insurance.It should be noted that a renter's or home insurance policy doesn't provide full coverage for fine jewelry items like an engagement ring. The information about different engagement ring policies provided below, would help in understanding them in a detailed manner. On the basis of careful study of different policies, one should decide upon which policy to buy.To buy an engagement ring insurance, one should possess all the receipts and certificates of the ring. The next step in the process is determining the cost of the ring. A ring appraisal should be secured in order to fix the cost of the ring. One can think about getting engagement ring insurance arranged by the jeweler itself. It is however necessary to obtain correct information regarding the extent of coverage provided by the insurance policies.Homeowner Policies Under the homeowner policies, coverage for engagement rings is provided in case any damage is caused to the house due to tornadoes, fire and other such problems. These policies however, do not cover damage caused to the ring as a result of household chores and other such things.
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Architecture Review Center Helps

Houses, tall buildings, stores, malls, boutiques, schools, bridges and other infrastructures are designed and patterned by the best and finest Architects and help built by the Construction Engineers. These two professionals when combined result to an excellent output of their proposed blueprints. Beautiful houses were drafted by Architects and constructed by Engineers. Office buildings were outlined by Architects and established by Engineers. With the application of the knowledge they have learned, these professionals are perfect partners in drafting and establishing residences and infrastructures in the society.

Interior designing is a profession in which creative and technical solutions are needed to be applied to achieve a fulfilled interior environment. It follows a creative design process with a touch of architecture arrangement and engineering concepts that leads to a very systematic and coordinated methodology of research, analysis and integrated knowledge that satisfies the requirements and demands of the clients and produce a fulfilled major project goals. Like interior designers, construction engineers need a lot of knowledge in the field they are in in order for them to cater the services they offer in a very professional and excellent manner. . They engage themselves in the design of temporary structures, quality assurance and quality control, building and site layout surveys, on site material testing, concrete mix design, cost estimating, planning and scheduling, safety engineering, materials procurement, and cost engineering and budgeting.

Both interior designers and construction engineers need the skills of critical thinking, problem solving, business monitoring, decision making and other skills related. One of the most helpful way to develop and hone these raw skills and talents is by enrolling in an architecture review center. This architecture review center empower and unleash the potentials of a student or a practitioner. So if you want to take care of the skills and talents God has entrusted you with, you better develop it for progress. So what are you waiting for? Enrol now!
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Best Architecture Colleges

It's an accepted fact that a dream home cannot be created without the contribution of architecture. The term architecture can be defined as the art as well as science of creating buildings and structures that involves planning, designing and constructing of spaces to give them a functional, social and aesthetic looks. The architectural work is performed with a coordination of material, technology, light and shadow as well as project planning whereas the important factors such as cost estimation and construction administration cannot be overlooked.

To begin an architecture career, you must first be armed with a degree in architecture from one of the 114 architecture programs that are accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board. The three main types of architectural programs are the 5 year bachelor's degree, 2 year master's, and 3-4 year master's.
The most common type is the 5 year bachelor's degree program. However, it is important to know what area of architecture you want to specialize in, because it can be very difficult to switch specialties.

The job description for an architect revolves around the art and science of design for construction of a building. Basically, an architect designs, plans and supervises the construction of a building. Being responsible for the safety, aesthetic value and function of the building with conformance to the law and needs of the client, an architect has to think very carefully before producing an appropriate design.

The best architecture schools are accredited, which is very important because a schools accreditation is very important. If a school is not Accredited their diplomas will not be recognized for the true achievements they are worth. So why waste four years in a school which can be harmful to your educational journey and make it difficult for a you to reach your career goals.

A typical business school offering management courses for architecture would include subjects that talk about management behaviour and processes pertaining to it. Furthermore, the course would include managerial economics, as well as the basics relevant to accounting to help architects discover the business potential that architecture has in the current times- things that an architecture college would miss out on. The papers also include managerial communication, the key to impress clientele and increasing the business ventures for the company. Furthermore, the management courses also deal with the business laws and ethics that make a business stand out from the others. It should be understood that architecture is all about the elements of designing, which is why the MBA courses pertain to the space planning, as well as project management in order to bring forth the best results for the clientele.

Most employers prefer to hire job applicants who have gained their education from a school or university with the appropriate accreditation status. Many employers also look to see that employees have been educated at an appropriately accredited institution when making decisions about business promotions, company advancements, and whether to provide tuition coverage or assistance for employees who wish or need to further their education. It is well proven that if an employer had to choose between a candidate from an accredited school and one from a normal institution they'd rather pick a candidate from an accredited school. The best architecture universities in the country are all accredited.
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The Architectural Ranch Design

Architects today use CAD to design the floor plans of houses which allows them much more freedom and tools during the design process. CAD simplifies the design by giving the architect a wide array of tools to help with the design. A residential home designer or architect has basically four designs to choose from: the one story or ranch, the one and one half story, the two story, and the split level. Each of these individual styles has strengths and weaknesses which should be considered before making a choice. Such factors as space available for the house, site contour, climate, convenience, cost surroundings, and personal preference should all play a role in the final decision. In this article we will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages to the one story ranch design.

The one story house has all the regular living space on one level, it may have a basement depending on the section of the country in which it is built and preference of the prospective owner.

One of the chief advantages of the ranch is that it lends itself beautifully to indoor-outdoor living.
Patios, porches and terraces may be added to virtually any room. With lots of glass, it is possible to bring the outdoor surroundings inside to make the house appear even larger than it is. There are also other design aspects the architect may include to give this desired affect.

Another advantage of this design is the absence of stairs, unless it has a basement.
The ranch without a basement is popular with many older people because it is less dangerous to eliminate stairwells.

The ranch usually has a low pitched roof with wide overhangs since no headroom is necessary above the ceiling. The low pitched roof and short walls make outside maintenance easy. Cleaning the gutters, removing the screens and painting require no long ladders or other special equipment. Low height also simplifies construction. The low and long appearance of the ranch is pleasing to most people. The ranch may be built with a full basement, crawl space, or on a slab. Great variation is possible. The ranch lends itself to expansion and modification with ease one disadvantage is that the one story is usually more costly to build than other designs of the same square footage. This stems from the fact that the one story requires more roof area and more foundation length.

Another negative aspect of the ranch is that it requires a larger lot since it is spread out, rather than up. Furthermore, this increased area sometimes causes heating problems for certain areas of the house because of the distance from the furnace. There is generally no problem with electric heat.

Maintenance cost may be more on a ranch because of the larger roof and exterior wall surfaces. Considerable hall space may be required in a large ranch style house to provide access to all rooms. Careful planning should be done to keep hall space to a minimum. This concludes our reading of the Ranch design, its advantages and its disadvantages. If you would like to learn more about Architecture or drafting follow this link CAD Drafting and 3D Modeling Services
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Understanding the Hadoop Architecture

Apache Foundation has come up with a software framework or a software platform known as Hadoop. It has been designed especially for carrying out tasks related to computing when vast amounts of data and mass-scale work is concerned. It has come up to make those computer related problems easy to solve and is a reliable and dependable method. It is a very simple and easy-to-understand software and saves a lot of extra efforts and time.

There are certain file systems which are supported by Hadoop and the access to these is provided by Hadoop Commons. It is made up of JAR files and similar scripts which are required to start work on Hadoop. The Hadoop Distributed File System or HDFS is something which takes care of the part when the data has to be categorized into different groups and levels and stacked and sorted out according to the characteristics of each level.
Also, after sub-dividing the data, copies of the same have to kept on different racks, so that in case of failure of the process or any such possibility, no data is lost.

There are many Hadoop applications which help to carry out, easily and efficiently, data intensive operations. The applications work in a way to maximize output in as little time as possible, thus boosting a company’s productivity and success. Storing and analysing the data is the first function of these applications, followed by conversion of the huge amounts of data, which is stored, into a structured form. These applications are mainly used with data from social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter et al, or, when there is work with big data sets and log files. The HDFS and the Hadoop MapReduce are the two primary Hadoop applications. MapReduce works at two levels – that of a master (JobTracker) and a worker (TaskTracker.) The master node allocates the jobs and monitors them. The worker has to execute them as per the schedule.

The Hadoop Architecture is such that it works in a very organized and systematic manner. The work is divided by a master and then, there are worker nodes which carry out the different tasks simultaneously. The master node is made up of several divisions. These include JobTracker, TaskTracker, NameNode and DataNode. Whereas on the other hand, the worker nodes have the responsibility of both the TaskTracker as well as the DataNode. The system is a low cost software and it proficiently finds out any faults or problems there are in the computation system.
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House Interior Design Styles and Home Interior Designs Ideas

More than practically any other outward manifestation, house interior design styles can be seen to reflect the world in which they were created. Examined carefully, they will reveal much about the economic state of the people, their aspirations, major scientific developments and even the movement of populations. It is perhaps this fact, together with the amazing standard of craftsmanship and artistry that was displayed so many years ago in early home interior designs, that explains our fascination with traditional house interior design styles.

Researching a particular house interior design style can be a stimulating process in itself. It can involve visits to museums, libraries, historical homes and even trips abroad. A book, play or film might prompt interest in a specific era and involvement with a local historical society could provide valuable background information on the interior design styles you eventually settle on.

The words 'authentic' and 'pure' are often bandied about fairly indiscriminately when describing historical styles.
But just as perfectly matched colors can result in a rather boring scheme, so, by being fanatical about a particular period or style, you may be in danger of creating an house interior design style that is totally predictable and rather lacking in character. Feel free, then, to be creative and, every now and then, to interject an element of surprise or an item from outside the period perimeters. Colors, too, can be liberally interpreted as they were in the past when paints would have been mixed by individual decorators.
Historically, rooms were very much allowed to evolve over the years rather than all the contents being put in place at one specific time and kept as a shrine to their year of birth.
Your own modem home may feature an Art Deco wall light, a dressing table in the style of Mackintosh and a chair inspired by the popular designs of the 1950s. So long as the items have a design affinity, there is no reason why they should not be grouped together.
Few styles are entirely new - most borrow from an earlier age, the fashion of furnishings often generated by an influx of ideas from abroad and motifs stolen from a previous incarnation. Take Gothic style, for instance. This was first seen in the Middle Ages only to be revived again in the mid eighteenth century. In Victorian times, it once again became the people's favorite - a phenomenon comparable on a smaller time scale to clothes fashions, when hemlines and shoulder pads vie for our attention in turn every decade or so.
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Best Dubai Landscape Architecture

Landscaping is not a trend but a basic need required to be met with for your real estate. Properties are not always sold spruced up, many time you need to do the needful. Landscaping can be a costly affair but a one-time expenditure is bearable as compared to recurring costs.  Dubai Landscape Design has made a prominent mark on the globe and welcome residents seeking help for their swampland. You cannot be dubious about Dubai Landscape Architecture because Landscaping Dubai companies have made a remarkable contribution to the architecture industry and are still thriving and heightening the gauge every day.

Paint your property green:

There are certain factors that influence the property rates and point of sale. Besides this, landscaping is the aggregate of acceptance in a particular neighborhood.  You house may be majestic and alluring but if it is surrounded by a marshy land carrying out for help then you are certainly not going to be invited for the upcoming cocktail party.
 If you buy a property you also need to grasp knowledge on how to maintain it. Just paying the money and residing is not enough, a house resembles and exhibits the personality and taste of the individuals residing in it. Hence, you need to cultivate and upkeep your property. Landscaping Dubai services are at your disposal then why not take leverage of this?
Dubai Landscape design has been praised by the head honchos in every economic hub. Their diligence, professionalism and passion are to look out for. Exclusivity is what everyone wants and they deliver it to you instantly.
Dubai Landscaping Architecture is renowned for its exclusive explicit work in the business hubs because they incept ideas and strategically execute them as no one else. If you want to hire pros then you need to chase such professionals, otherwise you will have to compromise on quality and spare some more time monitoring work.
Choosing the right person:

There are multitude Dubai landscaping companies and choosing from this plethora is a tedious job. Discuss with your neighbors, ask them to recommend a landscaping company that would meet your expectations. Post on forums online, because it is a quick medium within which you can get different perspectives and suggestions, even from the experts. Once done that, pen down all your options and closely scrutinize them, do not miss any scope for compromise on any given matter, be clear of what you want and how you want it to be achieved.
read more "Best Dubai Landscape Architecture"

Architectural drafting and designing

Architectural drafting is basically a method of creating drawing for buildings and other structures. To do architectural drafting it requires studying the design and construction basics. The traditional way of architectural drafting is making design on paper. Nowadays, it is done with the help of computer-aided drafting tools. With that, it has become easier than earlier way designing a draft. Architectures use various types of computer software to design innovative and unique buildings or structures. However, before designing a plan, architecture should consider various things like dimensions, measurements, gravity proportions, geographical directions, as well as material, labor, money, and time. Besides, designing a building, architectural drafting is related with examining, verification, designing, validation, and altering of the design.
Earlier drafting was used to do on the paper with the aids like pencil, scales, and geometrical instruments. However, with the demand of the time, architectures have switched to cad drafting from conventional drafting process. The full form of CAD is computer-aided-designing. There is various advanced software available in the market for drafting. CAD drafting has been proved more effective than paper drafting. It provides liberty to engineers and architectures to draft a building on computer, which seems impossible on the paper. CAD drafting has also made it easy to view the draft from various dimensions, earlier architectures used to prepare designs from different dimensions, and it was very time consuming. CAD drafting also helps in easy editing and transfer of designs. Presently, there are various companies and individuals offering CAD drafting services in the market. Architectural professionals design the blue print of the building as per the requirement of the client. The services are available at varied prices depending upon the demand of the cutomers. Although paper designs are still convincing, yet it is often required to convert these representations into CAD. CAD conversion facilitates to convert design on the paper into a 3 dimensional design. This helps to eliminate flaws in the design, which results into a great outcome. CAD converter also helps to architecture to view the design from very aspects and dimension including internal. Three ways of converting a paper design into an electronic are automatic, semi-automatic, and manual. The drafters are trained to convert paper design into CAD files. The Cad converter is widely used in CNC machines. The CAD converter gives ample of chance to the drafters to correct their mistake at anytime, where as to earlier to correct a design on the paper was a painstaking work. Nowadays, with other services, architectural firms also offer Cad conversion services.
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