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Lovely of you to stop by! I hope you and your loved ones had a lovely Thanksgiving and hope you didn't get trampled during Black Friday!

I know it's been a few days since my last post. So sorry! So much going on, my darling daughter and SIL moved to a townhouse across the bay; so this place was turned upside down and of course all during the week of Thanksgiving (crikey!). Between making a few trips over and back and preparing the turkey feast, it's been a bit frantic.

Yeppers, I managed to cook a 20+ pound turkey and all the fixins in my teeny tiny kitchen ha!

It's a juggling act; organization is an absolute must or it's disaster! ha!

Now that they are setteled into their new place, I've been working on getting this place back in order and taking the opportunity to reorganize things. It's amazing how much more storage I've gained! Hallelujah!

I've also been enjoying all the wonderful holiday decorating that's been going on here in our blogosphere! It's like Santa's elves went bananas! ha!

So I've tried to get everything in order for the linkie parties. I wanted to feature my reindeer; you remember the one I painted white and silver leaf'ed the antlers....yes?

I added my white star full of sparkles

me likey so far....then added a few of these...

as you can see, I've got a white/silver/crystal theme going on here.

and that's as far as I got. ha!

I promise to post it when I'm finished! Til then, just imaging a fabulous santa in white, chandelier crystal drops and swags of crystals and white glass pearls.

A white faux garland would be great or maybe I'll spray paint some faux snow on the evergreen ones I have. I've seen some of you do that and I am really loving it!

Since I'm reorganizing, I came to realize that I HAVE TOOOOOO MUCH STUFF! I need to thin out some things, so I'm going to be putting the more shippable items up for grabs in my etsy shop. As far as the non-shippable, me have no idea. (Garage sale not possible here). But I'll worry about that after the holidays!

Speaking of my etsy, (warning! warning! shameless self promo approaching!)

I just added these two tassels I made just for the holidays....

Oh yes, and I did get an early christmas present

... but that's for the next post! ha! ;)

Until then, thanks so much for stopping by! Don't forget to take a little time for yourself during this most hetic time! Oh!...and if you were brave enough to tackle Black Friday, I'd love to hear about your incredible deal!

Stay safe and warm!


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