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Energy Efficient Home Design | Environmental Home Design

Many have the feeling that to live greener is very troublesome, expensive and difficult. But take these tips and see if they fit your character and possibilities. As with many things in life, it helps to think and plan a bit ahead of what you want. For me the following approach to a greener daily life has been rewarding.

Generate ideas for greener living

Use five minutes to list a lot of things you expect to reduce their impact and their families in the environment. Just point the ideas down as they come to mind. If you can do as a family event around the table and all participate in this brainstorming green. Think of three types of living green in the following way and put their green ideas into three categories:

1. Green ideas that will save you money
2. Green ideas to be neutral in its economy
3. Green ideas that will cost money

1. Green ideas that will save you money

The ideas for greener living that will save you money should be implemented immediately. It's stupid to waste money while polluting more or use more resources than necessary. Many companies here in Denmark have made use of it to reduce its environmental impact and improve their competitiveness and profits of the green initiative at the same time. Many households benefit from it too.

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